(2008-07-09) Schmaltz Management Scientism

David Schmaltz connects the Pseudo-Science of Nutritionism (referring to Michael Pollan's new book) to Management Science and its pernicious BigWorld effects. parts 2 3 4 .

A follow-up notes that you are in charge. If the management-ists aren't in charge, who is? As unlikely as this might seem, you are. I can't count the conversations I've had with individuals imbedded within industrial-scale organizations, where they cheerfully recount how they get away with things. These are not native sneak thieves, but deeply benevolent and loyal employees who routinely work the system so that system can work. The management-ists are blithely ignorant of the catastrophes avoided, believing, I guess, that their grand Business Strategy is working more or less as they intended. It isn't. It never does.

Phil Jones has a different-but-related bit on abstraction by Management.

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