(2011-02-12) Twitter Buys Tweetdeck Instead Of Uber

page was renamed from z2011-02-12-GrossUbermediaBuysTweetdeck

Bill Gross' Uber Media has bought Tweet Deck. This deal follows Gross’ company scooping up Uber Twitter last month — a popular Twitter client for both Blackberry and iPhone devices. And prior to that, earlier in January, they bought Echo Fon, another popular Twitter client. But again, Tweet Deck instantly becomes the crown jewel of the empire. And it means that Uber Media now owns a significant part of the overall ecosystem. Uber Media has actually changed its name a few times now, partially due to these acquisitions. In April 2010, they launched as Tweet Up, then they became Post Up, and then, following the Uber Twitter deal, they became Uber Media. The company also own the popular Android Twitter client Twidroyd and Popurls (both of which they bought in July of last year), as well as the ad product, Follow Me.

Is this basically a Fat Client Ad Network?

Feb18 update: Twitter has suspended Uber Twitter and Twi Droyd. Obnoxious

  • no specific reason given
    • Twitter's response : These violations include, but aren’t limited to, a privacy issue with private Direct Messages longer than 140 characters, trademark infringement, and changing the content of users’ Tweets in order to make money.
  • You can only get the official Twitter client through the Android market, which my Archos70 Tablet isn't allowed to use!
  • Bill Gross's response.

Feb20 - they've been reinstated, pending releasing new versions. In the their return, Blackberry client Uber Twitter will be changing its name to Uber Social and Android app twidroyd will be making no name changes — Both have complied with Twitter’s requests to remedy the offending violations.

  • Twidroyd update is available, but so far only through the Android Market which means I can't get it for my Archos70 yet.

Apr13 update: Uber Media may be developing a Twitter competitor. Tweet Deck, the leading third-party Twitter client, has its own alternative network of sorts, Deck.ly. It allows users to post messages longer than 140 characters. Additionally, because Tweet Deck users create a Tweet Deck account in addition to a Twitter account, creating a backup network or alternative communications platform is less cumbersome for users.

Apr18 update: the Uber Media acquisition never went through, and now Twitter is considering buying Tweet Deck.

Edited:    |       |    Search Twitter for discussion

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