(2014-01-02) Rands The Builders High

Rands in Repose: The Builder’s High. When I am in a foul mood, I have a surefire way to improve my outlook – I build something.

You’re fucking swimming in everyone else’s moments, likes, and tweets and during these moments of consumption you are coming to believe that their brief interestingness to others makes it somehow relevant to you and worth your time

These are other people’s moments

I’m wondering how much we want to create versus consume. (maker vs consumer)

For me, the act of writing creates the builder’s high. Most pieces are 1000+ words. They involve three to five hours of writing, during which I’ll both hate and love the emerging piece. This is followed by another hour of editing and tweaking before I’ll publish the piece

Is there a Facebook update that compares to building a thing?

I wish you more blank slates

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