(2014-03-19) Henry Why You Should Keep A Journal, and How To Start Yours

Alan Henry: Why You Should Keep a Journal (and How to Start Yours). Regular DailyWriting has Mental Health Benefits

researchers noted that 15–20 minutes on 3–5 occasions was enough to help the study participants deal with traumatic, stressful, or otherwise emotional events.

How you write plays a role as well. This University of Iowa study showed that journaling about stressful events helped participants deal with the events they experienced. The key, however, was to focus on what you were thinking and feeling as opposed to your emotions alone.

Keeping a Journal Helps Harness Your Creativity

regular writing can help you learn to process and communicate complex ideas effectively

helps you see opportunities that may not have been apparent at first glance. It also helps you learn to break down complex experiences into relevant, useful bits of information organized coherently.

Even If You Don't Do Creative Work, Regular Writing Has Practical Benefits

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