(2018-01-19) Maurya A Lean Canvas Is Not Enough To Replace A Business Plan

Ash Maurya: A Lean Canvas is NOT Enough to Replace a Business Plan. Stakeholders still wanted to see the numbers side of the story, which is a reasonable ask. After all, they are in the business of driving ROI and want to ensure the idea represents a big enough problem worth solving. In

To address this shortcoming, investors and stakeholders would still make teams spend countless hours on a financial forecast spreadsheet. If you’ve ever created one of these, you know it’s very easy to get lost in the numbers. But more important, you end up back in the old world: executing a plan.

We strongly believe that unless you can completely break away from the waterfall business planning process, you cannot practice continuous innovation.

So We Introduced a New Model

The Customer Factory Blueprint uses just 7 key metrics to replace all the numbers in a typical financial forecast spreadsheet.

Using just these 7 key metrics, it is possible to: quickly test the viability of an idea using a 5 minute back-of -the-envelope calculation, and; build a traction roadmap that you can use to effectively define, measure and communicate progress to your internal and external stakeholders.

A Traction Roadmap is NOT a Product Roadmap

Here’s a Real World Example

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