(2018-06-07) Maurya Dont Start With An Mvp Love The Problem

Ash Maurya: Don’t Start With an MVPLove the Problem. A minimum viable product is the smallest solution you can build that delivers monetizable value to your customers

we made a similar mistake after we launched our MVP. We stopped talking to our customers and relied solely on metrics to guide us

Steve cleared his throat. “Keep talking to my users? I’ve never talked to any of them.” It was now Mary’s turn to look confused. “Huh? Then, how did you define your MVP?”

“If success is predicated on the quality of the starting idea, how does one start with a reasonably good idea?” “That is the right question, Steve. You do that by focusing on problems before solutions. The challenge today isn’t building more product, but uncovering what to build.”

We first sketched out several variants of our idea on a Lean Canvas which helped us identify and home in several promising customer-problem-solution possibilities. We then set up some two dozen customer interviews to validate our customer and problem assumptions.

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