(2018-09-16) Maurya The Idea Funnel Love The Problem

Ash Maurya: The Idea Funnel – Love the Problem. ...should be about demonstrating traction for the idea by testing the core customer/problem (uvp), solution (demo), revenue (pricing) assumptions using an offer (not an MVP).

first stage


Rule of thumb: give selected teams 3–5 people and 3 months to achieve problem/solution fit.

Review model evolution and innovation metrics at set intervals e.g. 90 days.

Each has a clear mission measurable by the traction roadmap — leaving the teams to focus on achieving that mission through iterative learning and rapid experimentation — lean sprints.

standardizing all teams around the same traction metrics

Time-boxed reviews help with pivot, persevere, pause decisions and are used to inject more investment into teams. (iteration)

Start with what does big enough mean — minimum success criteria.

Time-boxed business modeling (2 weeks )is a great way to uncover both the qualitative business model assumptions (e.g. using a Lean Canvas), and the quantitative business model assumptions (e.g. using a Traction Roadmap).

Use the modeling/early validation artifacts and your current portfolio allocation to decide.


Every idea gets the same initial investment in time and people.

helpful visualization tool for outlining a high-level innovation process in search of good ideas

Strategy Alignment

In order to find a breakthrough idea, you need to start somewhere — or more specifically, many somewheres.



At the core, everyone in the org should be able to: identify who is our customer (simple, but not always easy), and; what core job do we help them do (the bigger context)

Rather than trying to create a better ideation process, I recommend lowering the barriers at the top of the funnel, and instead investing in better idea validation processes (further down the funnel).

seven idea sources

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