(2018-10-07) Hunt Why Am I Reading This Now

Ben Hunt: Why Am I Reading This NOW? Do I think that both China and Russia are bad actors through and through? Do I think their cadres and apparatchiks will stop at nothing to promote their state interests and undermine the state interests of the United States? YES. Do I ALSO think that Western governments and their cadres and apparatchiks – including their useful idiots in the media – will stop at nothing to promote their state interests? Yes. Yes, I do.

The most important thing you can do to See the Narratives that subsume and drive our social worlds of markets and politics is NOT to read more. The most important thing you can do is to read differently. The most important thing you can do is to read critically.

The secret to reading critically? Ask yourself this: Why am I reading this article NOW?

there is a metagame at play here with the author and the sources of that article.

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