(2018-11-13) Elon Musk Wants To Give You Super Human Cognitive Powers

Elon Musk wants to give you super human cognitive powers. He told Joe Rogan that his Neurotechnology company, Neuralink, is going to be announcing some ‘interesting’ news in a few months:

What do we know so far about Neuralink?

Their short term goals are to treat serious brain diseases such as Alzeimers and Parkinsons and eventually get to enhancing the brain by “merging it with AI.”

Elon says we‘re already cyborgs. The modern day human is able to answer almost any question you ask it within a matter of seconds

Although we’re already cyborgs, the rate at which we can communicate with our machine counterparts isn’t very high. Musk says that we’re facing a bandwidth issue here

This bandwidth issue is one of the problems NeuraLink is hoping to tackle in the long run. One solution they’ve devised is to use a Brain Machine Interface (BMI) which will link from your cortex to a symbiotic AI to drastically increase your cognitive capabilities.

*Interacting with the brain involves 2 categories:

  1. Recording information we want from the brain.
  2. Inputting the information we want into the brain.*

What is the singularity and why should we be worried?

at the same time I’m thinking SkyNet. This is why Elon Musk said: “If you can’t beat it, join it”

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