(2018-11-26) Scoble Spatial Computing Bigger Than Magic Leap

Robert Scoble: Spatial Computing: Bigger Than Magic Leap. I think this one will stick where others, like “mixed reality” or “immersive computing” have gotten muddied by marketing teams.

Spatial is the umbrella term for virtual reality and augmented reality mixed together.

My own journey into spatial computing all started with a database

My former boss Jim Fawcette taught me the power of making an industry database back in the early 1990s

Today our database is Twitter. I spent a lot of the last year working on a few lists, er, databases there. First, I collected 3,800 companies in the spatial computing space at https://twitter.com/Scobleizer/lists/brands-in-spatial

Talked to Robert Adams, who just raised a fund and got a patent for biometric identity

Adams laid out a world where you will do literally everything in spatial computing glasses (and, later, with devices that can read your mind and integrate with your brain). He explained why it’s so important to make sure these systems get the best security. Because they will have access to literally everything about you.

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