(2019-06-10) VisakanV Smart Writing Is About Cultivating Taste Suspending Judgement And Chasing Your Curiosity

VisakanVeerasamy: 'Smart Writing' is about cultivating taste, suspending judgement and chasing your curiosity. I saw someone tweet “I wish smart writing came to me as easily as dumb tweeting (Twitter)” — and so I am here to share my strategy for using the latter to precipitate the former

If you want to write well, I think you may need to spend more time identifying good writing than actually writing

Which brings us to dumb tweeting! All you have to do is to follow your nose (which hopefully has been honed over time from evaluating everything that comes your way). There’s almost always something interesting about everything if you find the right angle on it.

The cool thing is, you don’t actually need to find the smart angle! Writing is cheap, basically free. Write all the angles. Whatever comes to mind, whatever tickles your fancy. Write stupid, edit smart. By using your own taste to retrospectively identify what’s good.

So far I’ve talked about all of this at the individual level. It gets cooler: A lot of the fun of making stuff is playing with other people. A lot of my personal favorite tweets were written in response to friends mucking around.

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