(2019-07-14) Weird Chrome Nginx Redirect Issue

Coming from work on Making GoogleAssistant CoachBot, trying to get new domain working without SSL, before getting SSL working, having weird issues...

Various times this week trying to get things working, even at the old domain http://www.coachbot.net. But keep getting redirected to FamilyFinancialFuture (one of my other sites served from the same nginx.)

  • (background: I have multiple domains/servers hosted at linode, all served by the same nginx instance, with separate UWSGI servers for each.)
  • today I tried something new: I hit it with a curl - and got the right page!
  • then I tried with Safari: and got the right page! And got responses!
  • but tried again with Chrome, and got redirected!
  • tried a Chrome incognito page, and it spun for 30sec, then gave proper page response. And a working form also.
  • tried regular Chrome page, got redirected again!
  • maybe Chrome DNS cache? (though that seems wrong-level - these are all the same IP-num)
    • tried anyway - no difference
  • hmm maybe some weird SSL thing - is there something automatically trying https and then getting redirected?
    • try hitting https explicitly with Safari, it just says it can't connect to it, it doesn't get redirected.
    • tried some of the lookups in Chrome chrome://net-internals/#hsts found nothing for the domain.
  • tried on phone (Android Chrome):
    server {
      listen   80;
      server_name coachbot.net;
      rewrite ^(.*)$ $scheme://www.coachbot.net$1 permanent;

Tried this article - even with the cache-disable checkbox checked, still got redirected.

Ugh smells like the issue is my use of permanent above.

Ah, this worked - btw derp the cache-disable only works if you go to a URL in that window, it's not a global setting.

Should I changed my nginx.conf to only use redirect instead of permanent, just for safety?

Jul29: made everything redirect, killed/restarted

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