(2020-08-08) Gdc Summer2020 Roblox Playergenerated Content And The Metaverse

GDC Summer 2020: Roblox, player-generated content, and the ‘metaverse’. Roblox VP of Product Deepak Chandrasekaran held a skill-building talk at GDC Summer 2020 this week titled Building the Metaverse through User Generated Content and the Cloud, but in true, the panel primarily was about Roblox

if your Steam account has a list of destinations (games), does that make it a virtual world or even a metaverse? That could probably be debated, but for the sake of conversation, we’re going to say, “No,” simply because Chandrasekaran argues that having a 3-D avatar is what should make the metaverse feel different when compared to just being on the regular ol’ web.

The other reason for having 3-D avatars, Chandrasekaran suggests, is that there should be nearly zero friction in trying to access different worlds within the metaverse. That means little no cost of entry, cross-platform, mobile to PC

Anyone should be able to join and anyone should be able to contribute, not just by being in the community but by creating content. In fact, Chandrasekaran says that with enough work, anyone should also be able to make a living in the metaverse.

Chandrasekaran puts forth the idea of relying on user-generated content in order to make the multiverse grow with minimal capital.

For all the theoretically cool ideas people may have in the game, I have seen far too many examples of what I don’t want to experience in user-generated content for me to brave the wilds of Roblox.

It’s not just the quality of the content that’s a concern; it’s the very nature of it. Content can’t just be allowed to go wild. People need to be held accountable

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