(2021-05-31) Migrating Away From Hey.com

Migrating away from hey.com. My new email configuration (which is mimicking Hey.com to a certain extent)....

I chose Protonmail as my new email provider, together with a custom domain, a single rule filter for replicating the screening, 3 custom folders, and the built-in contacts and mark as spam features

"Paper trail", "Screening" and "The Feed" folders

2. Replicating the Screening

create 3 folders: "Screening", "Paper trail", and "The Feed".

create 3 contact groups: "InboxGroup", "TheFeedGroup", and "PaperTrailGroup".

Add Sieve filter

The code is pretty much self-explanatory: known senders will be moved to the corresponding folder, otherwise it will go to Screening. I also decided to mark every email under "The Feed" as seen.

The bad:
As of today, classifying new emails into Inbox/The Feed/Paper trail is somewhat cumbersome. It involves 4 manual steps:
create a contact,
add the contact to one of the contact groups,
go back to the email, and
manually move the message to its corresponding folder.

The ugly: Apparently there is a limit of 100 contacts that a single contact group can handle. (What?!?)

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