(2021-06-15) An Interactive Introduction To Zettelkasten

An Interactive Introduction to Zettelkasten. The main point of Zettelkasten is not better notes - its better thinking

If you start using Zettelkasten, you'll notice these advantages...

The Zettelkasten process has three types of notes... Fleeting Notes; Literature Notes; Permanent Notes (evergreen note)

Fleeting notes are just memory reminders - you can discard them once you have created other notes from them.

When you are finished watching the video or reading the article, go back to your fleeting notes and clean it up. Expand things that needs more explanation, add the source, etc. When doing this, don't copy paste from the source - create the notes in your own words.

Once you are done, you'll have a summary of the content you just consumed - this is the Literature Notes.

Permanent notes are the most crucial part of Zettelkasten. Once you are done with the Literature Notes, go through it and extract every idea/concept found in it into separate notes.

one idea per note

Write as if you are writing for somebody else.

Once you have created the notes, think how the newly created notes connect with your existing knowledge

The method of creating a link between notes will be based on the tool you are using to create notes. The most common option used is the WikiLink format. Just put two square brackets( and ) (double-brackets) around the name of the note you want to link to.

One hidden benefit of making these connections is that it helps you to remember the content better. The Brain remembers things by connecting it to existing knowledge.

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