(2021-09-19) Write5x More But Write5x Less

Mike Crittenden: Write 5x more but write 5x less. There are 2 things I have come to believe about writing:
The average person should write 5x more things than they do.
The average written thing should be 5x shorter than it is.

I don’t care what it is. Blog posts. Novels. Google docs. Articles. Wiki pages. (digital garden)

Antoine Lehurt: Write more, but shorter. I recently stumbled upon an article from Mike Crittenden, Write 5x more but write 5x less, in which he shortly explains why we should write more, but shorter

Since I started to follow the Zettelkasten method for taking notes, it became clear that I must write to have clearer thoughts

After the “keep it simple” in programming, the “keep it short” for writing.

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