(2021-09-30) Eliason 281 Marketer To Programmer In 6 Months

Nat Eliason 281: Marketer to Programmer in 6 Months. I already published an article about learning Solidity, so this will be more focused on where to start if you have similar goals of making a significant career switch

And this will be focused on learning full-stack Javascript since that's what I learned, and it seems to be the most broadly desired programming skillset these days. Especially if you want to work in Web3.

there are two distinct phases to learning a new skill:
Structured: where you cannot advance on your own through trial and error + googling. You need to build your foundation first.
Self-Advancing: where you can grow organically by responding to obstacles in your path and either experimenting or googling.

Structured Foundations




Self-Advancing Learning

The biggest challenge with self-advancing learning is making sure you're constantly encountering new challenges that are pushing your skillset forward.

It helps if you're building stuff that you'll actually use

Another thing that can help at this point is building something, then starting to do a course but instead of following the course explicitly, watch a section and then try to implement what it's teaching you on an app you've already built.

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