(2021-10-05) Publishing On Mirror Is Now Open To All

Publishing on Mirror.xyz is Now Open to All. Last December, Mirror launched its first product: a decentralized publishing protocol. Over the past year, we’ve also launched economic blocks for crowdfunding, auctions, NFT editions, and splits—as well as a governance product. Mirror has evolved from a tool for writers to a full-stack web3 creative suite for communities and DAOs.

Our goal is to make Mirror the best place to share your story with the world and build a highly-engaged community around it

Today, we’re opening up decentralized publishing on Mirror to anybody with an Ethereum address.

All data published on Mirror is cryptographically signed by users and stored on permanent decentralized storage (Arweave).

Crypto rails enable new business models

Because Mirror is built on Ethereum, it natively supports new crypto-native business models around tokens and NFTs

For example, posts on Mirror can be minted as Entry Editions, allowing them to be collectible at different price points while the content remains accessible to all.

Every crypto-native entity needs a website, and Mirror lets any DAO onboard with a multisig wallet to start sharing its story with the world. In a sense, Mirror bridges a web3 entity into web2 distribution of ideas. This is crucial for DAO success, since most audiences still engage on web2 platforms like Twitter.

Because publishing on Mirror is underpinned by an open protocol where data is stored on blockchains, developers don’t need permission to extend the system and build on top of the data. While there is still a lot of work to do to create word-class documentation, APIs, and developer libraries, there are already exciting community projects building on top of Mirror, like Mirror Latest, RSS3, and Yup.

As the Mirror tools open up for anyone to use, this milestone is an opportunity to redefine the meaning of community membership. Membership attained via $WRITE RACE is evolving to represent decision-making power and stake in the future of the Mirror protocol and DAO. Also, only Mirror members that burned $WRITE get a subdomain to signify their member status.

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