(2021-10-09) Kee The State Of DAO Documentation Knowledge Management

Roxine Kee: The State of DAO Documentation & Knowledge Management. About a week ago, we published this tweet and received a flood of responses:

Documentation and team knowledge management is a sore spot for DAOs.

we present our CabinDAO dream feature set — a Frankenstein doc tool that takes the most DAO-friendly features of a number of web2 tools.

we didn’t differentiate between writing and collaboration tools (ex. Google Docs) and knowledge management tools (ex. Notion). For a DAO, informal notetaking, documentation, and publishing all fall under the team communication umbrella. We want a tool that takes us from meeting notes and brainstorming all the way to the approval process for final changes.

Essential features for DAO knowledge management tools

Multiplayer access management

traditional companies have a very clear line between employee and non-employee.

In contrast, DAOs have a gradient of engagement

Notion also has a function to set pages as public or private. But paying per seat for non-contributors, just for them to be able to view and comment on shared documents, doesn’t make sense for DAOs.

The ideal scenario for access in a DAO is the permeable Wikipedia contribution model

Decentralized project management

DAOs are more like a network of independent contractors interacting with each other than a company of employees. They have a bottoms-up structure where contributors write their own job description and propose projects for approval to the broader community.

When a would-be contributor submits a proposal, the ideal knowledge management software should be able to pull the DAO’s governance or approval process, match that with the project’s specs and scope, and estimate compensation.

Web3 native

With web3-native apps, DAOs can manage permissions on the doc as a group, rather than relying on a single member to gatekeep access.

What knowledge management tools DAOs currently use

Clarity Teams is the only app on this list aiming for DAOs as their target audience.

The Foster team likes Clarity for how it handles both tasks and knowledge

Our initial tests of Clarity found that bidirectional linking is a challenge

the Clarity team has shared their plans with us to tweak their model to serve DAOs better.

Documentation & team knowledge management for DAOs: Who will take the crown?

At CabinDAO, we dream of a knowledge management tool that combines the most web3-like features of the best web2 collaboration tools on the market.

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