(2021-11-17) Gitcoin Announcing Grants Round12

Gitcoin: Announcing Grants Round 12! Over $1.5M in total matching funds committed so far, expected to break all previous records

Introducing Ecosystem & Thematic Rounds

Ecosystem Rounds

Ecosystem Rounds are a new type of matching pool in which eligibility is set and determined by a specific project in the space, but funding continues to be determined through Quadratic Funding.

we rolled this out to the first external partner – Uniswap Grants Program (UGP). To learn more about this, see this case study. This allowed UGP to promote platform-specific grants to help mature specific aspects on their platform that wouldn’t have been possible to accomplish within their team directly.

Uniswap saw over a dozen grants successfully funded, totalling over $110k in contributions from the community alone

Thematic Rounds

Thematic Rounds are in support of a particular ‘cause’ or ‘theme’.

Gitcoin wrote a call seeking new kinds of public goods. Many of the submissions touched on how web3 interacts with the real world, beyond its usual interest in digital infrastructure.

Based on this, Gitcoin has worked with the DAO to choose three main causes in GR12: Climate Change, Tech Advocacy, and Longevity (Life Extension).

Decentralizing Grants (dGrants)

What we’re looking to do is turn Grants into an open source protocol, one which anyone may fork and build on top of (dGrants). That way projects may benefit from using the Quadratic Funding algorithm and related technology to run their own grants programs.

Key Product Improvements

Gitcoin has worked hard to ensure that our application servers and databases can handle the traffic loads of Grants Round 12.

GR12 will also have three checkout options: Ethereum, zkSync and Polygon’s $MATIC.


GR12 Matching Pool Proposal Community Feedback

During the GR11 Finale event Vitalik Buterin voiced an observation that the Quadratic Funding mechanism should function just as well without the use of Matching Pool Categories

During GR12, the Public Goods Funding workstream wants to test Vitalik’s theory that Quadratic Funding should be as effective at allocating funds as allocation via categories. By doing away with specific grant categories and having all grants listed together, we hope to experiment with simplifying and decentralizing matching.

GR12 Matching Pool Allocations Snapshot Vote

How to Participate in Grants Round 12

New Grant Owners

Current Grant Owners

Builders, Let’s Hack – Join the GR12 Hackathon!

earning rewards in Open Source. Find out more and get hacking here. (In Discord)

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