(2021-12-13) ZviM Omicron Post #6

Zvi Mowshowitz: Omicron Variant Post #6. ....UK also offers this helpful report (direct link) showing Omicron with a huge household transmission advantage

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Reported first on December 13: A patient known to have Omicron in the United Kingdom has died. One death obviously means little, but zero and one are highly different numbers, and cases and deaths typically lag by three weeks, so this is disappointing news.

Denmark has the world’s best sequencing. It also has the largest number of known Omicron cases as a share of population by a lot, which is not a coincidence. And it knows cases are growing exponentially, also not a coincidence.

But in other European countries and in the United States, the lack of sequencing makes it impossible to know how far along things are or how fast they are moving.

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*There are three central places where population-level information is available first:

South Africa, because Omicron has taken over already and they have good data. Denmark, because they do all the sequencing. United Kingdom, because of S-gene-deletion data and good sequencing.*

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