(2022-01-04) The Future Of The Culture Wars

The future of the culture wars (source unfindable) A couple of months ago a friend lent me his copy of Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage, and on Sunday, I finally read it. If you’re not already familiar with it, it’s about “the transgender craze seducing our daughters.” Wording not my own. I have to say, I am completely sympathetic to any pushback she received. It’s not that it wasn’t a good book or contained no valuable information. It’s not that it was hateful—anyone who says that hasn’t read it. It’s just that… it felt like it was missing something. Missing a few things.

she relied a lot on parental reports

the fact of the matter is, parents aren’t experts on their kids. They’re experts on certain aspects of their kid

The other thing is that she just isn’t aware enough of what it means to be so online. Even if it is a social contagion, I’m not convinced that it’s a one-size fits-all “it provides community and identity.” There’s a big digital piece here that isn’t fully explored. And that digital piece is a pretty important one.

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