(2022-01-24) Cagan 6 User Research Trends For2022

Interviewing Martin Cagan on 6 User Research Trends for 2022. Trend #1: Measuring product value will be recognized as more important than measuring usability.

If a customer were to cancel their subscription to a meal box service, it might be due to usability issues, but it is more likely due to value issues (compelling)

you can use Sprig’s measure product value research template.

Trend #2: The best teams focus on solving problems, rather than just testing and rejecting ideas (problem discovery)

what should you do when you have to tell your leadership team that their big idea is just not testing well? Marty recommends that you be a strategic partner, and come up with alternate solutions that DO test well.

Trend #3: Rapid learning will be heavily informed by qualitative user research

“I advocate that every company developing user-facing products do this kind of testing every week. If not, you’re waiting too long to try your ideas on users again

He notes that it’s also important to distinguish between evaluative user research (solving a defined, agreed-upon problem) and generative user research (finding out new things that could change the course of your product, and your company).

Trend #4: Researchers will incorporate more in-product (or “intercept”) research methods

Intercept testing asks researchers to approach users who are already engaged in an activity, get real-time feedback, and use their insights to make data-informed decisions

As Marty says, “Asking somebody “would you book travel this way?” is not the same as asking somebody who’s booking a trip right now.”

Trend #5: For Product Managers: Collaboration will drive more continuous discovery

The more time a team spends collaborating together, understanding each other’s perspective, problems, and priorities, the easier it is to learn from your users. Because you have more context into the overall business and the challenges each team is facing.

Trend #6: PMs, designers, and engineers will conduct more research firsthand

“If you have engineers that are empowered to help figure out the solution…that’s the most important thing. The magic happens...when those empowered engineers see real users and customers”. (solution discovery)

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