(2022-02-02) Is Twitter A Lemon Market For Smarty Pants

Is Twitter a Market for Lemons for Smartypants? There is certainly some good content on Twitter, but is there fundamentally something wrong with most of the smartypants folks who produce content and use it as a primary space?

(This is a guest post from an anonymous acquaintance.)

The lemon market model might go something like this: smartypants who produce interesting things and know how to directly distribute it to people who will use it and respond already do so. They are nervous about doing too much on Twitter because it can often be more abrasive as a space and incentives lowest-common-denominator content

An astute reader will point out that lemon markets are about information asymmetry, and I haven’t described a real information asymmetry above. I think there is instead an attention asymmetry for the average reader of Tweets in the smartypants sphere.

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