(2022-03-16) App Div Stud Is Time Working For Or Against You

AppliedDivinityStudies: Is Time Working for or Against You? Finance is the most obvious example, but it’s not an isolated case. Lots of things grow and compound (compounding), far beyond the effort you put into them.

This isn’t just a convenient growth hack, it’s the only way to tolerate this otherwise miserable human condition. If you are not investing, which is to say, if you do not have plants growing, kombucha brewing, relationships maturing, and so forth, what are you doing other than dying? (flourish)

Making time work for you is a kind of dark magic, a way to resist death even as it threatens to swallow you whole. And as with all dark magic, it imposes serious costs.

How should we properly deal with the paralyzing oppression of our temporal overlords? There are typically three answers:

These stances all have their uses, but they’re still just one side of the axis. You can also choose to simply live atemporally. To understand that you have already died, will always have died, and all that’s happening here is your experience through the temporal axis of your own life.

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