(2022-08-06) Tft #1 Tools Of Tomorrow 5 Key Trends For Tools For Thought

Andrew: TfT #1 / Tools of Tomorrow: 5 key trends for Tools for Thought

Trend 1. FROM information management TO reasoning support

The most difficult part of knowledge work is synthesis.

Dissecting claims, assembling evidence, and then putting everything together into a coherent picture requires a lot of effort.

There are also activities in the meta-cognitive domain are yet to be influenced:
Planning time and efforts
Adapting approaches in problem-solving
Changing “mental gears”

Trend 2. FROM working solo TO assisted work

assisted thinking and reasoning with the rise of GPT-3 and other language models.

Trend 3. FROM individual apps TO marketplaces

Trend 4. FROM private graphs TO build in public (working in public)

Trend 5. FROM text-first TO visual-spatial

In Heptabase and Fermat spacial representation is the foundation of experience. We spend time thinking about where one card should be located relative to another.

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