(2022-10-11) Cutler TBM 46/52 Fact Assumptions Beliefs

John Cutler: TBM 46/52: (F)acts, (A)ssumptions, (B)eliefs

FAB - Facts, Assumptions, Beliefs

Here’s an activity ANY team can do to stay more aligned.

List incontrovertible FACTS relevant to your work.

List ASSUMPTIONS relevant to your work, along with something to indicate the current level of certainty. Indicate the relationship between the assumption and your current work.

List your BELIEFS.

FAB is fractal. There are company-wide FABs and team-level FABs. In an ideal world, you make all of these public and accessible.

I disagree that these are clean separations. I think it's Claims All The Way Down. (Even metrics aren't facts, they are outputs of instruments making messy measurements.) Giving each claim a %-likelihood rating might be useful (you could create buckets: 5%, 20%, 49%, 51%, 80%, 95%).

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