(2022-10-22) Forte How To Thrive In A World Of Uncertainty

Tiago Forte: How to Thrive in a World of Uncertainty (VUCA). The future has become so uncertain that goals are now obsolete. (no-goals)

But this doesn’t mean that we have to throw up our hands in defeat. It doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do to influence our fate. It just requires us to make a shift from leading with goals to leading with questions.

Questions ask you to start with what you don’t know but would like to discover. They draw in others to pitch in and make their own contributions. They serve as open invitations to collaborative projects, versus the solitary path of individualistic achievement envisioned by goals.

3 principles for navigating uncertainty

Richard Feynman

His philosophy relied on three pillars:
The value of ignorance
The value of transparency
The value of a change in perspective

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