(2022-12-15) ZviM Covid 12/15/22 Chinas Wave Begins

Zvi Mowshowitz: Covid-19 12/15/22: China’s Wave Begins. China stopped attempting to contain Covid-19. They have accepted that the costs of continuing to do this are unacceptably high. Instead, they have decided they are content to contain official case numbers while they brace for the impact of the Covid surge they have successfully put off for three years

Physical World Modeling and Long Covid

In general I have not found The Twitter Files all that surprising or enlightening. I do want to highlight one thing about the timeline...


China reduces case number reporting as virus surges. Yep, that’s China

BBC report here about hospitals struggling to remain staffed. This is a clear, classic Covid surge

To be fair, it’s not like America reports a bunch of non-official or asymptomatic cases reliably. The difference is that the reporting here is inconsistent.

I do think that in the long run, letting this happen is a better option than continuing to not let it happen. The timing of doing this is December, exactly when weather conditions might be at their worst, seems not great, and I’d have tried to do it either earlier or later. That is an additional sign that this was not planned, rather circumstances forced Xi’s hand.

In case you were wondering if the WHO was willing to spout obvious nonsense and gaslight us on behalf of the CCP, not sure why you were wondering, also you can stop wondering now. "China’s COVID spike not due to lifting of restrictions – WHO director"

Other Medical and Research News

StatNews: CDC says it needs more congressional authority to collect public health data. Very You Had One Job, and cites no cases in which a lack of congressional authority impeded data collection.

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