(2023-04-10) Constantin 600 Early-stage Projects

Sarah Constantin: 600+ Early-Stage Projects. The goal of the Big Twitter Spreadsheet is to evaluate who in my network is working on something cool I can help with, and to connect people in my network with others who can help them.

The “mass affluent” — people with $100,000-$1M in liquid assets — people who can afford to buy a house, or start a small business out of savings — can generally also afford to be small-scale patrons of “cool projects” in their social networks

I think more people would want to be “mini-Medicis” than actually do it, partly because it’s not the norm, and partly because finding “cool projects” takes a bit of legwork. Building a Big Spreadsheet is my attempt to do some of that legwork myself.

First of all, it’s a project.

It must produce a concrete piece of work, observable to the general public — such as, a music album, a software tool, or a hardware device.

Second of all, an early-stage project must be small and independent. (indie)

Software, unsurprisingly, was the biggest category, with AI the biggest subcategory.

Another popular category was what I’d termed the “tools for thought/learning/knowledge-management” cluster — things like notetaking apps, productivity apps, educational apps, “digital gardens”, etc. Personal tools to help organize or improve one’s mind and digital life.

The wildest projects, though, are in the world of atoms. My top picks for “amazing if they can pull it off”: (see list)

There are also a lot of people building new social networks — if you’re interested in exploring alternatives to the old ones, this spreadsheet is a decent resource for options.

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