(2023-04-21) Isenberg The Best $65 I've Ever Spent

Greg Isenberg: The Best $65 I’ve Ever Spent. I only spent $65 on a project that… Brought 25,000 community members together... Captured 50,000 email addresses for a newsletter with a 54% open rate... Paved the way for a productized agency on pace for a 7-figure run rate… in only 40 days?

Here’s how we built You Probably Need A Robot in public to immediate success

I knew I wanted to start a community around productivity and AI, and I had the perfect name for it — but wasn’t sure if there was demand for it.

So I tweeted it:

When your tweet gets a 20% retweet-to-like ratio (or 1-1 retweet-reply ratio), you’re onto something. This hit the threshold for me immediately.

After just a few minutes, I rushed to Typeform and created a simple form to capture the growing demand. I asked for a two things:
Email address — duh
What's interesting to you about AI and productivity?

That second question was open-ended — and became an absolute gold mine. Now I knew exactly what to build.

HustleGPT told Jackson to sell a $65 ad slot on Twitter. I pounced

You Probably Need A Robot landed a promotion that now has 1.2 million impressions

Remember how I said the open-ended Typerform question showed me exactly what to build? The #1 answer was some variation of… “Hey, my company needs help implementing AI into our workflow.”

So we built a productized agency around this exact problem

This could be the McKinsey of AI all built on top of a thriving community. (You say that like it's a good thing.)

Earlier this year, I wrote about the ACP funnel

My main takeaway from from the process: What started off as a simple curiosity turned into a community with 50,000 members and an agency on pace to hit 7-figures in its first year.

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