(2023-06-20) Made For Advertising Websites Are Still Harming Advertisers Exclude These280 Sites Now

Made-For-Advertising Websites Are Still Harming Advertisers (Exclude These 280+ Sites Now). the focus of a Made-For-Advertising website is to get the user to click or view as many ads as possible on their page.

To drive up ad impressions and clicks for their visitors, many MFA sites have a pagination-style navigation where the user must continue to click from page to page to continue reading an article

MFA sites are heavily promoted with “native ads” from Outbrain, Yahoo Native and others.

*MFA publishers use ad networks to serve ads on their site. But Google’s ad placement policies explicitly forbid “pages with more advertising than publisher-provided content” and pages that “encourage accidental clicks.” In other words, MFA websites are not in compliance with Google’s guidelines and may be penalized.

So these publishers avoid using Google’s Adsense and instead rely on selling ads through alternative, less scrupulous ad networks such as Taboola and Outbrain, or they use networks that recycle the ad inventory through a myriad of low-quality supply-side sellers.*

There are thousands of MFA sites today that can be quickly spun-up on new domain names with duplicate content and layouts. Typically, they block bots from indexing their sites so they aren’t discoverable by search engines.

Some of these sites include 247mirror.com, definition.org, parentinfluence.com, and magellantimes.com and they all have a similar characteristics: an enormous amount of ad positions (either visible or non-visible).

Poor ad performance: brands are likely to see lower conversion rates, less efficient ad spend and a poorer ROI by running on MFA sites based on the reasons listed above




The first step to blocking MFA sites is to add as many as you can to your exclusion lists inside your Google Ads account (or whichever network you’re using).

*Below is a list of some of the most common MFA sites. You can upload this list into your Google Ads account to prevent your ads from appearing on them (if you’re not familiar with how to do this, read here).

👉 Downloadable exclusion list of 284 MFA sites (.csv file)*

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