(2023-08-16) Rachitsky Develop Product Sense To Build Great Products

Lenny Rachitsky: Develop Product Sense to Build Great Products. Product sense is the skill of consistently being able to craft products (or change existing products) that have the intended impact on their users.

It requires empathy and creativity to hone and develop over time.

Here are a few Sprig templates that I built based on their experience and my own as a PM at Airbnb that you can use to develop your own product sense.

1. Ask Your Users Critiquing Questions (User Research)

Insights gathered: Collecting emotional feedback during critical user journeys will give you insight into how your product integrates into your users experience. When you align in-product surveys with critical moments in your user flows like onboarding, taking a critical action, or checkout you can get insight into the emotional moments associated.

Actions: The insights that you capture here will give you valuable information on how to iterate on those critical user journeys. These are the moments that have the biggest potential impact on the rest of your product experience.


  • how do you feel while exploring the product (emojis)
  • how could we improve your experience with this product?

2. Observe your Users Async

Insights gathered: Asynchronous usability tests are the best way to develop empathy for people using your product.

Actions: Use these insights to come up with experiment ideas for removing friction and increasing retention.

leading questions

  • what was your primary goal for visiting (site/product) today?

3. Measure Your Product Sense

Sprig study template: Measure Customer Satisfaction

the true measure of your product sense is the level of customer/user satisfaction with your product

  • 1-5 rating
  • is there anything we can do to improve...

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