(2023-10-03) Cortext Futura Tanarian Brain

Cortex Futura: Tanarian Brain. One place to capture all your notes, tasks, plans, and projects - finally

Tanarian Brain deeply integrates Tiago Forte's PARA methodology so you can connect your notes, projects, and tasks to the areas of life that matter most.

Intuitively link tasks to your most important goals

Easily connect your big-picture goals to your daily to-dos with cascading planning cycles - so you can start stacking up wins.

Establish your long term vision with half-year supercycles

Break down your vision into bite-sized objectives with six-week macrocycles

Use structured microcycles to efficiently check off each day's tasks.

Turn your Tana into a powerful Zettelkasten with Tanarian Brain - so you can take meaningful notes and get more value from everything you read.

Capture initial insights as you read with fleeting notes

Easily collect and revisit questions that interest you - and transform curiosity into understanding.

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