(2024-04-20) Maurya: Problem-Solution Fit, Not Product-Market Fit, Is The First Significant Milestone Of A Startup

Ash Maurya: Problem/Solution Fit (not Product/Market Fit) is the first significant milestone of a startup. Getting to product/market fit (the inflection point in the hockey stick curve) takes roughly two years, and 80% of products never find it.

At this rate, not counting the downtime between ideas, finding a good idea could take up to 10 years!

A better first milestone is aiming for Problem/Solution Fit.

Problem/Solution fit validates that you have “sufficient” demand for your product before building it. (Customer Validation)

You have Problem/Solution Fit when you can demonstrate

  • sufficient and repeatable demand through sales
  • for a product you know you can build,*
  • at a price point that makes your business model work.*

achieving Problem/Solution fit is achievable within three months across any type of product (from software to rocketships).

‍I. Problem/Solution Fit prioritizes starting risks over scaling risks.

II. Problem/Solution Fit prioritizes problems before solutions.

The top reason why most products fail is building something nobody wants (compelling). I attribute the founder’s unbridled love for their solution as the top contributor to this failure.

3 Actionable Tactics

I. Start with a Lean(er) Canvas. (Lean Canvas)


II. Deeply understand your customers better than they do.

The best (and fastest) way to do this is through carefully unscripted customer interviews. There’s now even a tool for this.

III. Make them an offer they cannot refuse

design solutions that fit like a glove, which you then turn into a mafia offer.

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