Adam Bly

Adam Bly (born 1981 in Montreal, Quebec) is a Canadian scientist and entrepreneur. He is the creator of Seed and used to lead data at Spotify until he left in 2017.[1] Bly joined Spotify in 2015 when Spotify acquired his company, Seed Scientific.[2] He was a Visiting Senior Fellow in Science, Technology, and Society at Harvard Kennedy School.[3] In 2007, he was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.[4] He is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal. He began his career at the age of 16 as the youngest researcher at the National Research Council of Canada, where he spent three years studying the biochemistry of cancer, specifically the role of cell adhesion in metastasis. Out of the lab, without completing a university education, he founded Seed – tag-lined "Science is Culture™" – and served as its Editor-in-Chief. "The best comparison for Seed," wrote a media critic at the time of the magazine's launch in 2001, "is the early years of Rolling Stone, when music was less a subject than a lens for viewing culture." Under his leadership, the magazine earned critical acclaim for modernizing scientific publishing and for bridging long-standing divides between science and society – from art and design to politics and religion. Together with Paola Antonelli he co-founded a monthly gathering of scientists, architects, and designers that laid the foundation for Design and the Elastic Mind, an exhibition about science and design at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).

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