
Anarcho-capitalism is a view which regards all forms of government as unnecessary and harmful, including, and characteristically, in matters of Justice and Self-Defense. It synthesizes certain ideas from the tradition of classical liberalism (see Libertarianism) and arguably from Individualist Anarchism as well. Anarcho-capitalists promote individual Property Rights and Free Markets (in the sense of Freedom from government interference) as the most just and effective way to organize all services. They see the definition of property rights through contracts and Common Law as a universal mechanism to solve conflicts.

The term anarcho-capitalism was first adopted by anti-state liberals during the 1950s, especially under the influence of Murray Rothbard. This new generation of thinkers was heavily influenced by the introduction of Austrian School economics by Ludwig Von Mises and other classical liberal thinkers who had fled the rise of Nazism and now taught in the USA.

The Natural Law approach (see for instance Murray Rothbard and his book Power And Market) argues that the existence of the state is immoral, and that unlimited capitalism is the only ethical Political System, or rather anti-political system. The Utilitarian approach (see for instance David Friedman) argues that abolition of the state in favour of private businesses is economically more efficient. The Harmonic approach (Frederic Bastiat) argues both as equivalent statements.

contra: Libertarian Socialist

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