Baby Stroller

We've had a hideous number of Baby Stroller-s over the years, and given most of them away.

The one we had kept in the basement storage area is a nice Mac Laren, but it doesn't do full-recline, which is important for newborns.

Key User Story: Jihi takes Number Three to work on SubWay using Baby Bjorn. Uses stroller for some legs of trip, and for moving baby around within office from meeting to meeting, sometimes while she's asleep.

  • alternative approach: have spare Baby Rocker Chair in the office just use that for her to sleep/lie in.

    • how often need to move her while she's asleep?

Secondary User Story: take Number Three along to eat out, give her place to lie/sleep during meal.

Could consider "rack" (like Kolcraft or Combi) that Car Seat sits on, but combination is not easy to carry (e.g. up/down subway steps).

Maclaren Volo weighs 8.6lbs but doesn't recline at all.

Maclaren Triumph weights 11lbs has 3 levels of recline, but not full recline.

Inglesina Swift weighs 13lbs but doesn't recline quite fully. (Other lines are similar.)

Maclaren Techno Classic weighs 14lbs, is the one designed for newborns. Bought it.

Combi Ultra Savvy weighs 14lbs. The Savvy line is considered un-durable by some.

Combi Cosmo D X weighs 13lbs but only has "deep" recline (ooh I hate that vagueness).

Chicco London weighs 13.2lbs (or 15lbs), has 5 reclining positions, but is one "full"? Probably not. Sounds like there are quality issues.

Peg Perego's lightest strollers are 16lbs. (Exception, the Aria which some find hard to maneuver.)

The highest-rated full-sized strollers are 16lbs.

Bugaboo line sounds very trendy. It has a bassinet to provide the lie-flat approach. The Frog is 18lbs. And costs $700!

related: foot-muff, bunting, sleeping-bag, etc. (want full-body, but for infant)

  • J J Cole looks best - small size, and water-resistant outer shell. Bought it.

    • hmm, rather light-weight
  • so also bought the 7-AM bag - you zip off a couple "rings" at the bottom to shorten it. Very puffy.

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