Bill Clinton
a US President, 1992-2000
husband of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Progressive Review on his legacy of scandals
activities of Dealing With Terrorism
Feb26'1993: first World Trade Center bombing, planned by Ramzi Youssef
- Feb7'1995: Ramzi Youssef captured in follow-up to investigation of Operation Bojinka.
Jun26'1993: ordered a missile attack (23 Tomahawk missiles) on Iraqi intelligence headquarters in Baghdad in retaliation for an alleged plot by Iraqi agents to assassinate former President George H W Bush as he visited Kuwait in April. On June 5, 1994, a court in Kuwait convicted ten Iraqis and three Kuwaitis in connection with the plot.
Nov'1995: seven people were killed (five Americans and two Indians) and 60 injured in an explosion at a car park near a U.S.- run military training center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- May31'1996: Saudi Arabia beheaded four men found guilty of the November, 1995 bomb attack in Riyadh. Their confessions included claims that they had been members of Afghanistan mujihadeen militias
Jun26'1996: a massive truck bomb exploded outside a U.S. military dormitory in Dharan, Saudi Arabia killing nineteen Americans and wounding several hundred others
Aug21'1998: US bombed pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum, Sudan (believed to be manufacturing chemicals used in nerve gas), along with alleged terrorist training camps in Afghanistan sponsored by Osama Bin Laden
retaliation for the bombings of a pair of United States embassies two weeks earlier on August 7: in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar as-Salaam, Tanzania. The bombings killed 12 Americans and nearly 300 Africans.
came barely three days after President Clinton admitted he had lied about his sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky
associations with movie Wag The Dog
- which led Clinton not to pursue this area of activity. So in a sense, when people say "When Clinton lied, no-one died" they're wrong, because if he hadn't undercut his own credibility he would have been in a position to close down AlQaeda before the World Trade Center attack...
Oct12'2000: Uss Cole attacked while refueling in Aden, Yemen leaving 17 sailors dead
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