Cacophony Society

The Cacophony Society is "a randomly gathered network of free spirits united in the pursuit of experiences beyond the pale of mainstream society." It was started in 1986 by surviving members of the now defunct Suicide Club of San Francisco.

Cacophony has been described as an indirect culture jamming outgrowth of the Dada movement.

Members of the Cacophony Society's first group also became the primary organizers of the annual Burning Man event after Cacophony member Michael Mikel attended its previous incarnation as an as-yet-unnamed beach party at Baker Beach in 1988 and publicized the 1989 event in the Cacophony Society newsletter.

Possibly the most widely known Cacophony member is novelist Chuck Palahniuk, who has mentioned his experiences with the Society in his writings, notably the book Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon. He used the Cacophony Society as the basis for the fictional organization Project Mayhem in his novel Fight Club.

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