City Size
I mean in Population, not Area.
In US 2000 census
- total national population: 281M
- biggest cities
- only 9 with population over a million, totaling 49M
- NCES buckets "large city" as 250k+ (that would be top 66); mid-size city as 100k-250k (that would be 67-238)
- ~250 have 100k+ people
- 601 with 50k or more people, totaling 100M
- note that at Population Density of Brooklyn Ny, 50k people requires less than 2 sqmi!
- for 2010 census, here's top-25 cities (which goes down to 600k people)
- these are for "CityProper" not for Urban Area/Metropolitan Area/City Region
Bigger is better - Super Linear? 2007-04-18-UrbanGrowthBenefits
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