Dick Dodge

Actually Richard Forthrast From REAMDE

History (of make money)

  • raised in Iowa - no college?
  • 1972 (age 18?) draft dodges to Canada
  • carries bearskin over border, finds bootlegger cabin. Later (1977) buys it.
  • gets kicked out of guide biz because of bearskin thing, becomes marijuana smuggler/guide
  • buys Schloss on Canada side, turns into cat-ski lodge
  • once it's sustaining, spends a decade (1996-2006) (age 42-52?) playing game
  • has idea for game optimized for gold farmers including real-world money loop-closing
  • later has idea for business product of crowd-sourcing boring tasks by mapping them to game battles


  • small number of key "inflection points"
  • some are opportunistic
  • some are driven by a big brainstorm percolated over years of embedded/context
  • boring part mostly avoided? "Can hire those people"

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