Edward de Bono

Edward Charles Francis Publius de Bono (19 May 1933 – 9 June 2021)[1] was a Maltese physician and commentator. He originated the term lateral thinking, and wrote many books on thinking, including Six Thinking Hats... The originator of the term 'Lateral Thinking', de Bono wrote 85 books with translations into 46 languages.... Convinced that a key way forward for humanity is a better language, he published The Edward de Bono Code Book in 2000. In this book, he proposed a suite of new words based on numbers, where each number combination represents a useful idea or situation that currently does not have a single-word representation. For example, de Bono code 6/2 means "Give me my point of view and I will give you your point of view." Such a code might be used in situations where one or both of the two parties in a dispute are making insufficient effort to understand the other's perspective. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_de_Bono

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