Dare Obasanjo tweeted I just realized Mark Cuban has made more money from Yahoo! than Jerry Yang. Something is wrong with that picture. I challenged him on that, so he sent me to Wikipedia (which led to Forbes). Current net worths: (more)

Clifford Winston wrote Government Failure vs. Market Failure: Microeconomics Policy Research and Government Performance. ISBN:0815793898 Winston concludes that the cost of government failure may actually be considerably greater than the cost of market failure: "My search of the evidence is not limited to policy failures. I will report success stories, but few of them emerged." (more)

Evan Osnos: Can Mark Zuckerberg Fix Facebook Before It Breaks Democracy? The most famous entrepreneur of his generation is facing a public reckoning with the power of Big Tech. (more)

Hamish McKenzie (of SubStack): Subscriptions are bad for democracy? No way. The news media as an entity is getting weaker, both financially and in terms of political influence. None of this is happening because of subscriptions. A key reason it is happening is because for the last two decades the bulk of journalism has been give away online for free, the [[Web Ad] business for anything other than social media platforms has imploded, and now even the best publications are struggling to find a sustainable business model. (more)

Brian Micklethwait quotes John Holt on Educating Kids: What made these children such a joy to be with, and such a powerful influence on the other children, was not just their obvious Alertness, Imagination, Curiosity, good humour, High Spirits, and interest in many things, but their Energy, Vitality, Self Respect, Courage and above all, their true Independence.

The Sudbury model of democratic education is named after the school that pioneered it - Sudbury Valley School. Since it was founded in 1968, the Framingham, Massachusetts school has been a source of inspiration for dozens of schools and institutions, and there are currently over 40 Sudbury schools around the world. Certain facets of the model separate it from other democratic schools and free schools, although there are evident similarities. One central defining aspect is the non-compulsory nature of the model and the equal, nonjudgmental treatment of all activities (within the bounds of school rules regarding behavior and conduct) which results in a great de-emphasis of classes and other activities normally emphasized for their educational value. (more)

Conde Nast publications will team up with universities to create a set of accredited certificate (Credential) programs and eventually master’s-degree programs (with the colleges and universities, not the magazines, as the "institution.") Condé Nast writers and editors will contribute subject matter expertise and the publisher will provide some financial backing to the partnerships... The institutions and new academic programs (which will include both interactive online content and in-person elements) have not yet been identified, but discussions with universities are under way with the goal of launching the first programs in fall 2015... The initiative is the latest backed by University Ventures, a New York-based fund that since 2012 has sought to drive innovation in traditional higher education not by "disrupting" it from the outside but by encouraging it from within... The Condé Nast project was an intriguing first partnership for Qubed, Pianko says, because of the opportunity to "bring incredibly strong consumer brands into education and connect them with strong university brands to build consumer experiences commensurate with the quality of those brands.".. "picture a business innovation program created with Wired Mag, or having students work with leading designers and architects through a program with Architectural Digest,"... "We think our brands have far-reaching influence, and would like to use that in positive way to educate people." MOOC?

David Remnick, Steve Bannon, and the Revolt Against the Elites. Twitter is a repository for the real opinions of real people, but it is also a virtual space that exists in parallel to reality traditionally conceived. It’s governed by its own strange weather. But in this case the online storm pointed to factors that exist outside the online discourse, including a growing distaste for the media-political bubble in which people like Remnick and Bannon live. (more)

David Kadavy: Patience: It takes three years to accomplish anything meaningful. Yes, you can get a lot done in a year. You can get a lot done in a day. You can even get a lot done in ten minutes. But it takes three years to really accomplish —to build and combine a mixture of new skills, and get buy-in from the rest of the world. (more)

A design for a Learning process. Despite the name, it's focused on being a design for a school (Generative Schooling) system, though it could work for Home-School-ing also (though group processes could be more of a challenge). (more)

Pathologically Seeking a Meaning Of Life via purchases. (more)

Dmitry Orlov series on "Communities that Abide" (started Jul'2013): 1 2 3 (more)

MindForger - Thinking Notebook (Thinking Space) and Markdown IDE https://www.mindforger.com/. Where do you keep your private remarks like ideas, personal plans, exam preparation (more)

Niklas Luhmann (December 8, 1927 – November 6, 1998) was a German sociologist, philosopher of social science, and a prominent thinker in systems theory, who is considered one of the most important social theorists of the 20th century.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklas_Luhmann (more)

a Wiki that has 1 writer but many readers (more)


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