geometric shapes, Patterns, etc. that are Self Similar across scales? (more)

WebVR is an experimental JavaScript API that provides support for virtual reality devices, such as the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard or OSVR in a web browser... In 2018, the WebXR API superseded WebVR, being designed for both augmented reality and virtual reality devices. (more)

VR R-and-D group around Vi Hart (more)

SAP, the German business-software stalwart that’s been struggling to catch up in cloud services, is trying to follow the PARC model... Over the past year, SAP has also recruited about 20 polymathic technologists and designers from the fringes of Silicon Valley and academia. The company is funding its new hires’ pet projects and leaving them alone to experiment, says head recruiter Alan Kay, a computer scientist who pioneered Xerox PARC’s graphical interface technology in the 1970s. Although it’s unclear how products from the Communications Design Group will mesh with SAP’s portfolio of office software, Kay says that’s kind of the point... Bret Victor, a former Apple designer, has spent much of the past five years developing software that lets scientists simulate the shifts and changes of complex systems using interactive graphics instead of equations. Vi Hart, a self-styled “recreational mathemusician,” is working with artist-programmer Andrea Hawksley on an SAP-backed virtual-reality startup, EleVR. Mathematician and coder Toby Schachman is building a program called Shadershop that lets people structure software by drawing it instead of writing out the code... “Innovation is expensive because it’s product-driven,” he says, “but invention is just 20 to 40 people exploring odd things.” (more)

school-rating site (more)

Business Week reports on the best High School-s in America, based on work from (more)

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams ISBN:0330301624 (more)

author (more)

Decision making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives. (more)

book by Jane Jacobs ISBN:0394729110... this 1983 lecture covers a lot of the same ground and uses some of the same examples. Jacobs addresses economics on a regional scale, defining City Region in the sense of a specific area that gives rise to the dynamic exchange of goods, services, and people. She examines the factors essential to establish a sustainable economic entity. The five forces that shape and reshape all regional economies—city markets, city jobs, city technology, transplanted city work, and city capital—interact to create a pattern of exchange between city and hinterland that is complex and diverse. The key to an ongoing healthy economy is the ability of the city to replace imports from beyond the region with local production. (more)

Nick Schulz interviews Robert Fogel on Life Expectancy, Body Height, Evolution, Urbanization, and Knowledge Growth. Life Expectancy appears to have increased pretty steadily from the early 18th century until maybe around 1820. And then it started cycling. We had actual decreases in life expectancy. Before we returned back to a path of increase in life expectancy, beginning in the late 19th century, and from then on it was a pretty steady pattern of increase... The average stature (Body Height) of adult males in Western Europe increased by close to a foot between 1864 and the present. (more)

Intrinsic good (for you? for a Culture?)? (more)

Certification of having completed a College Education. (more)

I use GoogleDrive to sync my MoonReader highlights/etc across my phone and tablet. It hasn't been working lately. (more)


Martin Cagan: The Product Scorecard. the specific KPI is not the real point here as much as the fact of establishing specific KPI’s, and the fact that they’re prioritized. You can and should debate the specifics of each KPI and its priority, to ensure that you are encouraging the right behavior as you interpret the business strategy. (more)

Six decades ago, Fred Schwed wrote a book called Where Are the Customers' Yachts? The title came from a story about a visitor in New York more than a century ago. After admiring yachts Wall Street bought with money earned giving financial advice to customers, he wondered where the customers' yachts were. Of course, there were none. There is far more money in providing financial advice than there is in receiving financial advice. (more)

NewsFeed in non-chronological order - personalization

Charlie Warzel: Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole. For an academic, Mike Caulfield has an odd request: Stop overthinking what you see online. (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

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Beware the War On The Net!



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