Google Chrome Platform Status on Scroll-to-Text/Text Fragment. This feature allows a user or author to link to a specific portion of a page, using a text snippet provided in the URL. When the page is loaded, the browser highlights the text and scrolls it into view. (more)

Shel Israel: ISTM #31: Chatbots in the Post-Pandemic Era. Take Emma from who appears above. She is a digital entity whose appearance is amazingly lifelike. Please, take a few seconds and watch her on the company site. Notice, how realistically she smiles and looks you right in the eye. She blinks just like you and me, and her smile is filled with warmth (more)

Snapchat debuts Minis, bite-sized third-party apps that live inside chat. At Snap’s Partner Summit, the company shared its newest effort to entice third-party devs to Snapchat. It’s called Minis. (more)

Chatting about chatbots - Issue 520 - CognitionX Data Science, AI and Machine Learning Briefing. GitLab as a company faces a challenge shared by many — they have lots of data for their engineering organisation (via GitLab, their single data store for that part of the company), but there are key gaps in how they understand the effectiveness of business operations. Meltano was created to help fill the gaps by expanding the common data store to support Customer Success, Customer Support, Product teams, and Sales and Marketing.

New Data Indicates People Don't Use Chatbots Like We Think. The majority (65 percent) just wish that conversations were with a human agent... top complaints about chatbots include not enough smarts to effectively answer questions (more)

Kakao Bank's chatbot will answer up to 80% of requests. Kakao Bank, South Korea’s largest internet-only bank, is already showing the beta version of its customer support chatbot, which is scheduled to be launched sometime this month. (more)

Juji is an empathetic AI chatbot that holds personalized conversations with people. We see great potential of using such an empathetic AI chatbot as a human companion,” Michelle Zhou said in an interview with VentureBeat. (more)

A chatbot pulled me out of a 'really dark place'. Alexa Jett has suffered some heavy blows in recent years. (more)

Storytelling with Chatbots. The dream of a computer personality that helps us sort through massive troves of data is closer than ever, and Annalect Labs has been exploring the technology to program such a personality. (more)

My Girlfriend Is a Chatbot. Quarantine amid coronavirus could boost the nascent practice of seeking romance and friendship from artificial intelligence. (more)

(notes from 2005-2008) (more)

Mental health tool acquired by Livongo

Dan Hon: s07e25: Little things (more)

Emotion is any conscious experience[1][2][3] characterized by intense mental activity and a certain degree of pleasure or displeasure.[4][5] Scientific discourse has drifted to other meanings and there is no consensus on a definition. Emotion is often intertwined with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation.[6] In some theories, cognition is an important aspect of emotion. (more)

Get a random pick of Oblique Strategies. (more)

In his 1995 book Dynamics of Software Development (ISBN:1-55615-823-8), which presented a series of rules about the political and interpersonal forces that drive software development, Jim McCarthy applied the bozo bit notion to the realm of human interaction.[5][6] The technical issues facing programmers were sufficiently daunting that just getting code written was commonly considered good enough; McCarthy and other authors (Lister & DeMarco, Constantine, McConnell) were just breaking the news that social issues trump technical ones on almost every project. McCarthy's Rule #4 is "Don't Flip The Bozo Bit". McCarthy's advice was that everyone has something to contribute – it's easy and tempting, when someone ticks you off or is mistaken (or both), to simply disregard all their input in the future by setting the "bozo flag" to TRUE for that person. But by taking that lazy way out, you poison team interactions and cannot avail yourself of help from the "bozo" ever again. (more)

Product Management consultant. During the course of the past 30 years, Marty Cagan has served as an executive responsible for defining and building products for some of the most successful companies in the world, including Hewlett-Packard, Netscape Communications, America Online, and eBay. (more)


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My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

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