Ian Kallen presentation from 2000 on Salon.com's spec/design of its CMS (which uses mod_perl and HTML::Mason and Oracle). This was later spun out into the open-source Bricolage project. Baking vs frying, comparison of development languages and application servers, etc. However, most web content doesn't change with a frequency that requires a web Application Server. (more)

Matthew Clifford: TiB-169: AI authors; better ways to fund startups; China's "Digital Silk Road"; and more... What it might it be like to be an artist in a world where machines can create art as well as humans can? Novelist and neuroscientist Erik Hoel (yes, the one I wrote about last week) has a new piece on this topic. To show how close we are already, he has AI writer GPT-3 (see TiB 119 and TiB 124) “rewrite” a passage from his novel; the results are impressive (more)

Kelps are large brown algae seaweeds that make up the order Laminariales. There are about 30 different genera.[3] Despite its appearance, kelp is not a plant; it is a heterokont. Kelp grows in "underwater forests" (kelp forests) in shallow oceans, and is thought to have appeared in the Miocene, 5 to 23 million years ago.[4] The organisms require nutrient-rich water with temperatures between 6 and 14 °C (43 and 57 °F). They are known for their high growth rate—the genera Macrocystis and Nereocystis can grow as fast as half a metre a day, ultimately reaching 30 to 80 metres (100 to 260 ft). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelp (more)

Seaweed, or macroalgae, refers to thousands of species of macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae. The term includes some types of Rhodophyta (red), Phaeophyta (brown) and Chlorophyta (green) macroalgae. Seaweed species such as kelps provide essential nursery habitat for fisheries and other marine species and thus protect food sources; other species, such as planktonic algae, play a vital role in capturing carbon, producing up to 50% of Earth's oxygen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seaweed (more)

Jon Udell notes: I’d like to thank Caleb Clark for recording and posting a video of the talk I gave last month at the Marlboro College Graduate School. I watched it the other night and I think it’s my best explanation of a cluster of things I’ve been thinking about and working toward for a long time. The list includes: (more)

aka Wiki Sphere; parallel to BlogWeb, the universe of (clusters of) WikiSpaces. (To think of Wiki-like links across WebApps, see AppWiki!) See also Digital Garden, Webs Of Thinkers And Thoughts) (more)

The Open Metaverse Pilot is a moonshot of a different kind – an attempt to imagine how technology can improve lives, build equality, and create connections for everyone, not just the wealthy and well connected. Backed by a consortium of international brands, technologists and dreamers, this open sandbox is a proving ground for new types of commerce, communication and entertainment... Join the Blueprints Consortium https://crucible.network/open-metaverse/ (more)

Douglass Cecil North (November 5, 1920 – November 23, 2015) was an American economist known for his work in economic history. He was the co-recipient (with Robert Fogel) of the 1993 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. In the words of the Nobel Committee, North and Fogel "renewed research in economic history by applying economic theory and quantitative methods in order to explain economic and institutional change."[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglass_North

Arnold Kling examines the work of Douglass North, JohnJosephWallis, and Barry R Weingast ("NWW" for them as group) and its implications for Nation Building and the War On Iraq. NWW claim that there are three types of societies. Primitive orders are small bands of Hunter Gatherer-s, and they are of little concern here. LimitedAccess orders are societies that provide meaningful political and economic rights only to narrow elites. OpenAccess orders are capitalist democracies (Liberal Democracy) that give political and economic rights to most citizens. NWW argue that limited-access orders are the "natural state:" they are stable, they resist economic progress, and they only rarely make the transition to open-access orders...For NWW, these three types of order are like the three chemical phases of solid, liquid, and gas. That is, they are clearly distinct from one another, and transitions between different forms of order (Phase Change) take place only under special conditions... NWW argue that three conditions are necessary before a transition from a limited-access order to an open-access order is even conceivable... Accordingly, I would say that there is no chance that the United States will succeed in its objective of establishing an open-access order in Iraq. The best we can hope to do is restore Iraq to a natural state, meaning a limited-access order where rights and power are exclusive to certain elites, who will be subject neither to economic nor political competition as we know it. Ugh, that kind of cynical Real Politik seems to have often led to nasty Blow Back for us...

one of your main strengths, which you should build on to achieve authentic happiness - see list there (more)

book by Martin Seligman, also one branch of the Positive Psychology movement (more)

card-stock for writing notes, typically 3x5in or 4x6in (more)

aka Federated, Federal, Federalism, Federalist. A federation is a large, often multi-ethnic, state originally based on mutual agreement between the participants. Compare with Empire, a term describing a large, multi-ethnic state, whose political structure was originally put together by Coercion... In Australian history, "federation" refers to the formation of the Commonwealth of Australia by six British colonies on 1 January 1901, and also to the political movement in the 1890s to bring this about. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federation (more)

Information overload (also known as infobesity,[1][2] infoxication,[3] information anxiety,[4] and information explosion[5]) is the difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making decisions when one has too much information (TMI) about that issue,[6] and is generally associated with the excessive quantity of daily information. The term "Information overload" was first used in Bertram Gross' 1964 book, The Managing of Organizations,[7] and was further popularized by Alvin Toffler in his bestselling 1970 book Future Shock.[8] Speier et al. (1999) said that if input exceeds the processing capacity, information overload occurs, which is likely to reduce the quality of the decisions.[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_overload

Strongest Twitter like action - re-sharing, stronger than Like Button

Bret Victor: The Web of Alexandria. Vannevar Bush's "library of a million volumes, compressed into one end of a desk" may sound quaint to us today. (more)

Mike Caulfield: The Curation/Search Radicalization Spiral. People tend to think of grooming in the context of sexual predators or spies — the slow process of finding disaffected people and using their disaffection to warp their mind bit by bit. But we’ve long known that this is how online radicalization works as well, from ISIS to neo-Nazis. (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

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Beware the War On The Net!



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