Michael Aaron Nielsen (born January 4, 1974) is a quantum physicist, science writer, and computer programming researcher living in San Francisco. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Nielsen (more)

A user-app for Twitter (more)

Matt Haughey does not recommend using a Twitter Fat Client. Imagine if you had a permanent desktop application that featured Google Reader scrolling up every new post on every blog you follow combined with every new link on delicious from people you trust and every photo added to flickr by your friends plus tons of instant messages sent to all, constantly streaming with no end in sight. (Attention Management, Twitter Client)

Dave Winer thinks that an Open Source Twitter client would be helpful, I assume in playing with ideas toward an Open Twitter. (more)

Chris Aldrich: Ideas for IndieWeb-ifying Hypothes.is. I’d like to be able to receive notifications from people publicly annotating, highlighting, and replying to my content and potentially display those directly on either my website in the comments section or as marginalia. (more)


Season 2 of Athens Research — A Collective Vision. Athens Research is a private, open-source tool for high-tech R&D teams solving moonshot problems (Grand Challenge). Dynamically create, connect, and compound your research and documentation using a collaborative knowledge graph. (more)

Mike Solana: Elon Takes Twitter. “Freedom,” “open source technology,” and “man, I really hate these spam bots.” The media’s reaction to these ambitions was instant and apoplectic. But even by the gutter standards we’ve come to accept from media, this has been a month for the books.... The worst people on the internet, delirious with rage, couldn’t stop themselves from saying the dumbest things they’ve ever said since last week and listen, again, yes, I love this. (Musk Buys Twitter) (more)

Antonio Garcia Martinez: Freeze peach and the Internet. This ‘freedom of speech isn’t freedom of reach’ argument, which I’m fairly sure Renee DiResta herself coined back in the heady post-Donald Trump election days of 2016, is the linchpin to this entire worldview. It was then, and is now, utter nonsense. (cf Musk Buys Twitter) (more)

Balaji Srinivasan: The Elondrop The deal may have been signed, but the campaign is just beginning. Elon should go over the heads of the establishment to offer all Twitter users a deal: every account worldwide gains full control over their username in a crypto wallet, plus a share of Twitter's new coin, if they can help him get the requisite legal clearance in their jurisdictions and the acquisition goes through. (Musk Buys Twitter) (more)

LM Sacasas: On Twitter, Briefly. (Musk Buys Twitter) Here you go, in no particular order, a few thoughts … some mine, some not. (more)

Ben Thompson: Back to the Future of Twitter. What potential does Musk see, and could he unlock it? For my part, not only do I agree the potential is vast, but I do think Musk could unlock it. (Musk Buys Twitter) (more)

Gordon Brander: Credible exit. Amplifying the angst is the fact that the structure of Twitter is fundamentally feudal. This town square is owned and controlled by a single company, now by a single person. There is lofty talk about democracy and free speech but there are no mechanisms for self-governance, no procedures for holding power to account, no checks and balances, no due process, no bill of rights. (Musk Buys Twitter) (more)

Twitter Nears a Deal to Sell Itself to Elon Musk (Musk Buys Twitter) Twitter’s 11-member board met on Sunday morning to discuss Mr. Musk’s offer to buy the company and take it private. (more)

Nathan Baschez: Twitter as a City-State. Epistemic status: wildly speculative... Is Twitter a regular company? Or is it, as Jack Dorsey and many others believe, more like a public utility? (cf Musk Buys Twitter) (more)

Mike Solana: King Shit. Get in, loser, we’re buying Twitter. A flash of lightning, a crack of thunder, and our nation of the too-online looked up in horror and excitement — Elon Musk had once again done something. (Musk Buys Twitter) (more)

Nathan Baschez: Elon Musk is Right: Twitter Should Open Up the Algorithm. I would go further and argue Twitter should not only open-source their algorithm so we can all see how it works, I think they should create an open marketplace for algorithms where anyone can build their own, and use algorithms created by others. (Musk Buys Twitter; algorithmic feed) (more)

Samuel H. "Sam" Altman (born April 22, 1985) is an American Entrepreneur, programmer, Venture Capitalist and blogger.[2] He is the president of Y-Combinator and co-chairman of OpenAI. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Altman (more)

Bucky Fuller concept of measuring the true cost of anything (object/product or process/service) in terms of total-life Energy consumption (in making, operating, disposing, etc.) (Transparent Society) (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

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