sarcastic name for Disinformation Governance Board, taken from 1984

The Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) is an advisory board of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), announced on April 27, 2022. The board's stated function is to protect national security by disseminating guidance to DHS agencies on combating foreign misinformation, malinformation, and disinformation. Specific problem areas mentioned by the DHS include false information propagated by human smugglers encouraging migrants to surge to the Mexico–United States border, as well as Russian-state disinformation on election interference and the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[1][2] On May 18, the board and its working groups were "paused" pending review, and board head Nina Jankowicz resigned, following several days of discussion within the DHS as a result of public backlash, mostly from the political right.

Taylor Lorenz (born October 21 c. 1984–1987 or 1978[a]) is an American journalist for The Washington Post. She was previously a technology reporter for The New York Times Business section, covering topics related to internet culture.[1] In 2020, Fortune magazine included her in their 40 Under 40 listing and Adweek included her on their "2020 Young Influentials Who Are Shaping Media, Marketing and Tech" list. She was a 2019 Knight Visiting Fellow at Harvard University and is an affiliate at Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.

Mike Solana: Intermission at the Ministry of Truth. After two years of increasingly-normalized political censorship, federalization of truth arbitration alarmed every sane person in the country (along with all the crazies). Fury was immediate, and profound. (more)

Justin Murphy says Personal Knowledge Management is Bullshit. The problem is that market demand for solutions is tremendous, while the underlying problem is stubbornly intractable. (more)

Taylor Lorenz: How the Biden administration let right-wing attacks derail its disinformation efforts. On the morning of April 27, the Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of the first Disinformation Governance Board. (more)

Venkatesh Rao: Graph Minds. It is a strange thing: we acknowledge the generally social nature of our species, but resist acknowledging the specifically social nature of our intelligence. (collective intelligence) (more)

lite format for Structured Data within PlainText? (more)

Joel Chan: Sustainable Authorship Models for a Discourse-Based Scholarly Communication Infrastructure · Series 1.2: Business of Knowing. Today's scholarly communication infrastructure is not designed to support scholarly synthesis. When gathering sources for a literature review, researchers need to answer questions about theories, lines of evidence, and claims, and how they inform, support, or oppose each other. This information cannot be found simply in the titles of research papers, in groupings of papers by area, or even in citation or authorship networks. (more)

Julie d'Aubigny (French: [ʒyli dobiɲi]; 1670/1673–1707), better known as Mademoiselle Maupin or La Maupin, was a 17th-century opera singer. Little is known for certain about her life; her tumultuous career and flamboyant lifestyle were the subject of gossip, rumor, and colourful stories in her own time, and inspired numerous fictional and semi-fictional portrayals afterwards. Théophile Gautier loosely based the title character, Madeleine de Maupin, of his novel Mademoiselle de Maupin (1835) on her... She retired from the Paris opera in 1705 and took refuge in a convent, probably in Provence, where she is believed to have died in 1707 at the age of 33. (more)

Bruce Sterling is a big fan of Cibelle Cavalli, *and it’s not because (more)

chunk of a page/document: see information block, NodeWeb, Text Fragment (more)

"standard" to direct browser to jump to a location in a linked document that doesn't have an a name anchor tag. aka Scroll-to-Text: (2020-06-18) Scroll To Text Fragment Chrome Platform Status (more)

it's inevitable. Better than the alternatives? (more)

author of (more)

Erik Hoel: The Semantic Apocalypse. Now that real AI is actually here driving cars, writing poetry, making music, and filtering your spam, the detail that has made all the difference is that these machines don’t think like us. In fact, these “intelligences” probably don’t think at all. They fit neither of the archetypal roles. What they definitely do, however, is copy. This piece irked me. Thread (more)

I would like you to go home and ponder the meaning of the word subversive. (in Neal Stephenson's Diamond Age) (more)

aka Shared Language, used widely (more)

Viktor Emil Frankl (26 March 1905 – 2 September 1997)[1] was an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, author, and Holocaust survivor.[2] He was the founder of logotherapy, a school of psychotherapy which describes a search for a life meaning as the central human motivational force.[3] Logotherapy is part of existential and humanistic psychology theories.[4] Logotherapy was recognized as the third school of Viennese Psychotherapy. The first school by Sigmund Freud, and the second school by Alfred Adler. Frankl published 39 books.[5] The autobiographical Man's Search for Meaning, a best-selling book, is based on his experiences in various Nazi concentration camps.[6]



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