Ravi Mehta way of framing the strategic context stack

a useful skill, or a crutch? ItDepends. (more)

Time Management method to keep from getting drowned in your To-Do List, works with Getting Things Done (Next Action) and other bigger-picture models (Worldview Based Living, etc.). Prioritize to 1! (more)

Things you might be tempted to put on your To-Do List, but which aren't your Most Important Task. Say No to them, to keep your Focus. (more)

Eric Barker examines Peter Drucker's recommendations to develop a Meaningful Life by knowing your strengths (cf Truth About You) and Values, and designing your life (esp DayJob) around them. What are you good at that consistently produces desired results?... do not try to change yourself — it is unlikely to be successful. But work, and hard, to improve the way you perform. And try not to do work of any kind in a way you do not perform or perform poorly... (This) enables people to say to an opportunity, to an offer, to an assignment: “Yes, I’ll do that. But this is the way I should be doing it. This is the way it should be structured. This is the way my relationships should be. These are the kind of results you should expect from me, and in this time frame, because this is who I am.”... From now on when you undertake projects, write down (NoteBook) what you expect to happen (thinking in bets), then later note the result... And while Drucker’s method is only focused on career, you’d be smart to extend it to romantic relationships, happiness, friendships, etc.

Robin Sloan: How to build a spaceship. As many of you know, I’m in a band with Jesse Solomon Clark, called The Cotton Modules. About eighteen months ago, we released our first album, the product of a hybrid human/AI collaboration. Our forth­coming release, titled The Greatest Remaining Hits, is a sci-fi concept album. But this newsletter isn’t about the album, which won’t arrive until May. It’s about the spaceship! (more)

Lenny Rachitsky: Building your product strategy stack: Ravi Mehta (Tinder, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Outpace). I'm Lenny. Today my guest is Ravi Mehta. Ravi was chief product officer at Tinder, the product director at Facebook, VP of product at Tripadvisor, and now he's co-founder and CEO of a company called Outpace (more)

Ethan Mollick: How to... use ChatGPT to boost your writing. it also isn’t a human that you are giving instructions to. It is a machine you are programming with words. You are writing a prompt, not having a conversation (more)

Ethan Mollick: How to... use AI to generate ideas. Despite of (or in fact, because of) all its constraints and weirdness, it (ChatGPT) is perfect for idea generation. There are a few reasons why I think this is true. First, idea generation benefits from differences (more)

Set “Non-Goals” and Build a Product Strategy Stack. Based on interview with Ravi Mehta. (more)

Ravi Mehta: The Product Strategy Stack. As software has eaten the world, product has become the most important lever for a company's success. Today, companies win or lose based on the quality of their products—and this puts enormous pressure on product teams to not just deliver products, but deliver products that drive the company's strategy. Too often, the terms "vision," "mission," "strategy," "goals," and "roadmap" get conflated into a jumbled mess—leaving product leaders without the context they need to focus their work on the difficult task of moving the company forward. (strategic context) (more)

'Get in the Van' and Other Tips for Getting Meaningful Customer Feedback. Michael Sippey has been shipping software since that meant literally shipping software... The No. 1 most important rule: You must speak to your customers every day. (more)


a founder of Yipes Communications, Nano Space, NETCOM Online, and PDIAL... https://peterkaminski.wiki/ (more)

Geoffrey Litt: ChatGPT as muse, not oracle. Recently lots of people have been trying very hard to make large language models like ChatGPT into better oracles—when we ask them questions, we want the perfect answer. (more)

Gordon Brander: Creativity can be provoked on-demand. Last week I looked at a procedural method for generating ideas. This week I want to share one of my favorite tools for thought, Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies. It’s one of my key inspirations for Subconscious. (more)


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